Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Upcoming Walgreens sales

These deals are good from December 20-December 26. I plan to spend next Saturday taking up many of these great offers!

Also, don't forget to get your paper on Sunday! In some cases it pays to buy two, just check ahead of time to make sure there are coupon booklets in that Sunday's paper.

Robitussin is $6.99 each. If you spend $10 on Robitussin products then you get back $3 in RR's! There were several $1/1 coupons in the paper which means after Q's and RR's you could pay as little as $4.49 each.

Dove shampoo/conditioner/styling products - Buy 2 get one FREE ($4.99 each)
$1.50/1 conditioner
$1.00/1 any hair care product
Pay as little as $2.49 each.

Kleenex 78 or 110 sheets - Walgreens Q for $.79 each
$.50/3 manufacturer's Q
Makes them $.62 each!

Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato soup - Walgreen's Q for $.59 each
$.40/4 manufacturer's Q
Makes them $.49 each!

Russel Stover Boxed Chocolate 11 to 12oz - Walgreen's Q for $3.99 each
$1/1 maufacturer's Q
Just $2.99!

Hot Wheels Vehicle - Walgreen's Q for $.49 each (limit of 10)...this isn't something I intend to buy, but it's a great deal for those of you with kids into Hot Wheels OR a great item to buy and donate to Toys for Tots.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back in the game

It was really weird getting back into hard core couponing again after a several month hiatus. The big disadvantage? Having to re-build our stash/stockpile. There are a few things we still have together but there is even more that we don't and unfortunately it takes money to build that up. Anywho. Here's how this week has gone so far...

Since I'm not working and Steven only gets paid bi-weekly, I try to do the majority of our shopping on payday and just get essentials and really great steal deals the following week. My big tip for you is to check out IheartPublix an amazing blog IMHO. She posts the weekly ad information along with links to some printable coupons on Monday night. This is a great help because not everyone is lucky enough to have it come in their mail on Tuesday, and if you don't get it then, you have to wait until the store releases it on Thursday! It's a big help for me to know what is on sale the upcoming week so that I can save even more. Example: We ran out of mayo. I was planning on just grabbing a jar during my trip today something that would have cost me $3-4 for one jar, however, after checking out IheartPublix, I found out that mayo is going BOGO next week! Same price for two!

Currently we aim for $60-70 each week for groceries since we have to provide for 2 adults, 1 toddler and 2 large dogs. Which means I had a cap of $120 today for two weeks worth of groceries and I did it! We'll need a little more than normal thanks to Chirstmas next week and multiple Christmas parties and celebrations between now and then (which require extra baking and cooking). Plus, I got extra of a few things to fill the cabinets.

Total before tax, coupons and savings: $188.76

Total saved: $77.24

Total spent before tax: $111.52

My best deals of the day: (after sales and coupons)
Juicy Juice bottles (BOGO) normally - $3.49each paid - $1.25 each!

Tylenol Cold and Sinus (on sale) normally $5.69each paid - $1.99

Kraft Mac N Cheese (BOGO) at $1.29each - B3G1 FREE coupon = $.32 each!!!

Chex Cereal (BOGO) normally - $3.49each paid - $1.25 each

Betty Crocker Mufin Mix (BOGO) normally - $2.59each paid - $.90 each!

Green Giant Steamers (BOGO) normally - $2.39each paid - $.75each!

There are many other great sales out there but stock up quick because they end tomorrow!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Kmart Deals

There are some pretty good deals and coupon using opportunities currently out there for Kmart. These can be seen in their current ad, and they are good until 1/2/2010.

Mars, Nestle, or Hershey's 9,2oz-12.6oz packaged chocolate - 2 for $5
$1/2 Nestle Jingles HERE
Buy 3 Get 1 FREE Hershey's Kisses (from 12-6-09)

Playskool Swing N' Score Baseball - $10
$5/1 HERE

Playskool Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase Toy - $10
$5/1 HERE

ALL Star Wars Toys - Buy 2 get 1 FREE!!! (this is an amazing deal with the coupon below)
$5 off $20 on Star Wars purchase HERE

My Little Pony So Soft Starsong or Gumball Playset - $24.99 each
$5 off $20 on My Little Pony purchase HERE

Coca-Cola 2 Liters - 3 for $4

Coca-Cola 12-packs - 3 for $10*
*Your total purchase must be $25 in order to get this deal

Finally, They have a 10 for $10 deal going on some of their candy for stocking stuffers, such as Twizzlers, Marshmallow's, and Nerd's Ropes. You'll need to check with your store to find out exactly what items they are offering at this price.

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Being Frugal...

The last year has brought about some pretty significant changes in our lives. My husband and I have both lost our jobs, I'm unemployed and going to school full time, he's making half what he was, and we are facing bankruptcy and the loss of many things that make our lives comfortable. So, in an effort to try and lower our outgoing costs I'm looking into saving money and cutting costs anywhere, and in anyway that I can.

By looking up some amazing blogs, and searching the internet high and low for great deals and sites, I've made a huge impact already and I haven't even fully started yet.

If you are looking into starting a savings journey as well, here are a few good places to start...I hope you'll join me on this journey as I change our budgets to fit our changing life.



Proctor Gamble

Frugal Fun and Fortune - blog

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Citizen watches rock! I got one for Christmas and I can't tell you how many times I've slammed it into a wall, door, or as the case was this morning a toilet paper holder at work...oops. I hit it smack on the face each time and there isn't so much as one scratch! Maybe this is something silly to be impressed with, but I was just so excited that I hadn't killed it. You could seriously hear the 'hit' in the reception area.
I'm just so proud of my little present :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

You will NEVER believe this one

I decided to be nice and finally broke down and allowed Steven to pick what we did on Sunday. He said "lets pack a picnic and go to Fort Caroline". My reply? "there's an actualy fort on Ft. Caroline?". Well there sure was. We went and ate a yummy lunch and then did one of the shorter nature hikes. It was a blast! I never thought I would actually enjoy walking in the middle of the woods but I did...I didn't let him stop for too long though. That makes it a little too close to camping. Ick!

Anyway, I had a blast, and Bailey did too! She just talked the entire time and looked around at everything. We're hoping to go again next weekend and hike around Spanish Pond.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


1. Started your own blog

2. Slept under the stars- for like 10 minutes then I went back inside :)

3. Played in a band

4. Visited Hawaii

5. Watched a meteor shower

6. Given more than you can afford to charity.

7. Been to Disneyland - only if Disney World Counts.

8. Climbed a mountain.

9. Held a praying mantis

10. Sang a solo

12. Visited Paris

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch

15. Adopted a child

16. Had food poisoning

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

18. Grown your own vegetables

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France

20. Slept in an overnight train

21. Had a pillow fight

22. Hitchhiked

23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill

24. Built a snow fort

25. Held a lamb

26. Gone skinny dipping

27. Run a marathon

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice

29. Seen a total eclipse

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset

31. Hit a home run

32. Been on a cruise

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors

35. Seen an Amish community

36. Taught yourself a new language-does piglatin count?

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

39. Gone rock climbing

40. Seen Michelangelo's David

41. Sung karaoke

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

44. Visited Africa

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight

46. Been transported in an ambulance

47. Had your portrait painted

48. Gone deep sea fishing

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

52. Kissed in the rain

53. Played in the mud

55. Been in a movie

56. Visited the Great Wall of China

57. Started a business

58. Taken a martial arts class

59. Visited Russia

60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies

62. Gone whale watching

63. Got flowers for no reason

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

67. Bounced a check

68. Flown in a helicopter

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial

71. Eaten caviar.

72. Pieced a quilt-I made a quilt purse

73. Stood in Times Square

74. Toured the Everglades

75. Been fired from a job

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London

77. Broken a bone

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person

80. Published a book-VERY SOON!

81. Visited the Vatican

82. Bought a brand new car

83. Walked in Jerusalem

84. Had your picture in the newspaper

85. Read the entire Bible

86. Visited the White House

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating

88. Had chicken pox

89. Saved someone's life

90. Sat on a jury

91. Met someone famous

92. Joined a book club

93. Lost a loved one

94. Had a baby

95. Seen the Alamo in person

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake

97. Been involved in a lawsuit

98. Owned a cell phone

99. Been stung by a bee

100. Read an entire book in one day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Buzy Bee

That's me, working my busy little stinger off, both literally and figuratively.

I've been doing Weight Watchers for 1 1/2 weeks now (woo hoo). So far I've lost 3lbs (another woo hoo), but I have a looooong way to go. Right now my first goal is to lose 25lbs, so only 22 more to go. Once that happens I'm gettin' me an acoustic guitar. I've always wanted to learn how to play (LOVE how it sounds) so that is my present for my first success, it will also take care of one of my 101 things in 1001 days.

On the writing front, I've finally nailed down my story. Finally! I can not begin to express how wonderful that feels. I've been brainstorming for a while now just unable to really get something good going but I finally have it. I've also found a few literary agencies that I'm interested in, so I'll be doing a little more research into them in the coming months. My goal is to get my ROUGH (as in completley unedited) manuscript completed by the end of July, with the finished product ready to head out by my birthday in October. However, just as long as the rough is done by the end of this year I'll be a happy camper.

Other writing fronts: I had my first article published last week in the FCCJ school paper, and I submitted two articles this time around for the issue coming out February 10. I've also just been given my first assignment for Ice Magazine, a women's ice hockey mag! I am beyond excited about this one! It will be published in the April issue!

There is just so much more but I have a lot to do in the short hour of freedom I get, so until next time...

The Princess

Friday, January 23, 2009

For my mother

Tomorrow marks an important thing for me, my first ever Weight Watchers meeting. So what am I doing up so late you may ask? What else, I'm writing. I had recently received an email about the American Heart Association's Go Red campaign, though it's hardly anything new to me. Heart health has always been on my mind, and I knew about the Red Dress not long after it first began. I still have my pin as a matter of fact.

So tonight, I'm up late writing for my mother. Technically it's for myself, but it's about my mother, and my daughter. And in all honesty, for you and your mother as well. Some of you may know most of this, but I think it's a safe bet that many do's a little insight into my life:

On a beautiful day in October 1985 an equally beautiful child was born, that child was me. A day later my mother was near death for the first time in my life, and unfortunately it wouldn’t be the last. Clearly I have no memory of the first years, however, it’s a time neither of my parents will soon forget.

I was a happy and very talkative child, but they could tell something wasn’t quite right. I would struggle to eat the smallest amount of food, exhausted at the energy it required out of me to even down just two little ounces. The doctors were convinced that I had a hole in my heart, a terrifying perspective. However, thankfully, after many tests and much anguish they found a much less severe culprit: patent ductus arteriosis, or PDA. After having corrective surgery at 18 months old, we thought all the heart problems were over, but we were wrong.

Nearly nine years went by and I continued to do perfectly well, though I had gotten, and still am, overweight. My parents had divorced not long after my PDA scare, and my half brother had gone through the same procedure after a PDA diagnosis of his own. It was around this time when the first signs showed up, though this time my mother had them. She was tired all the time, and the littlest bit of physical activity drained her. I can distinctly remember where she had cut a small section of carpet to pull up; we were trying to refinish the flooring. I remember after she cut it, she tried to pull at it to rip the carpet up, and with all her strength she couldn’t make the tiniest difference. It was then I knew something was really wrong, and I think she did too.

When she finally went to the doctor we found out she had congestive heart failure, among other heart health issues. She was barely past 40 then. They told her she needed open heart surgery to repair/replace her heart valve, at the time they weren’t exactly sure which. And so, the Monday after summer vacation started, just days after I said goodbye to elementary school, my mother said goodbye to me. It was one of the most terrifying days of my life. I wasn’t sure if I would see her again, and neither was she.

It was about two weeks later when she was released from the hospital, and while other 12 year olds hung out at the beach and with friends, I was at home with my mother, helping her recover. My father would come and pick me up every few days to run to the grocery store, and help me get all the items we needed. The first week she needed help with everything, including keeping the dogs from pulling off her oxygen. I think that was probably the biggest challenge. She also needed help getting up to go to the bathroom. I know she hated asking, but she was so strong and it was only a matter of days before she was fine on her own. Even her doctors were impressed by her strength and determination.

As the years passed, she continually relapsed. It seems like an every 2-3 year rule with her, including the defibrillator that she had put in just last month. But she’s still here and that’s all that matters to me. I know that one day this disease will kill her, and I hate that. I hate that something preventable will take the most important person in my life away from me. A woman that I spend so much time with, that she can tell just by the slightest infliction in my voice that something is wrong.

It’s because of this disease that I write. I look at my beautiful daughter and all I can think about is that I don’t want her to experience this pain. I look at her, and all I can think is thank God my mother lived long enough to see her born. Then I wonder how much of her grandchild’s life will my mother miss because of cardiovascular disease? Too many daughters and sons have had to ask that question, and far too many have had to answer with “all”.

My mother and I have collectively decided to make a change in our lives. The first step, for me at least, is weight. Together, as a united front, we will work to get ourselves to a healthier weight. In fact we are attending our first Weight Watchers meeting at 8AM tomorrow. She continues to go to cardiac rehab three times a week, and I will begin my relentless pursuit to run a 5k this year.

For now all we have to show are our scars, though I like to think of hers more like badges of honor. Each one shows a pivotal point in her life where she has fought, and fought hard to survive. The first, from a C-section that nearly took her from me; the second, an open heart surgery that kept her here; and the third, a defibrillator that will one day, hopefully, bring her back.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Challenge for the Married Ladies

What better way to practice so I can complete #26 on my list of 101 things in 1001 days?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Update #1

Today is my first update on my 101 Things in 1001 days task. My plan is to update my blog once a month with a little message on each of the 101 things that I have worked on.

92. Earn my AA.
I am currently enrolled in two classes at FCCJ. I'm waiting to hear back about financial aid so that I can hopefully take one or two more, but it's a start. I already have 16 credit hours so I've completed 25% of the required courses already! My two clases are: Human Growth and Development, and Humanities: 15th to 20th Centuries.
77. Learn sign language.
Right now I've only learned a few basics, though I already knew a little so I just need to refresh the alphabet and numbers. I've debated about taking some ASL (American Sign Language) classes at FCCJ but I haven't decided yet. Since I took three years of Spanish in high school I don't have to take a foreign language in school.
71. Teach Bailey sign language.
We have two DVD's that help to teach sign language that we've had Bailey watch. I work with her on it, and try to sign to her when I do things. So far we have worked a lot with: more, eat, drink, mommy, and daddy.
64. Lose 60 lbs.
At this point there hasn't been any weight loss, though I haven't officially started yet either. I bet now you are asking yourself, "if she hasn't started then how can this be something she updates?" Well I have a plan of action that I have been putting together this week and it goes into effect tomorrow. First thing in the morning I will weight myself. ACK! I am dreading this beyond words. Then I will keep track of my caloric intake for the next two weeks, use SlimQuick as a dietary supplement, and confirm when I can use the running track near our house. Finally, my mother and I are officially going to start Weight Watchers together as of January 24th!
56. Be a stay-at-home mom (and student) for one full year.
I will be submitting my application for a child care grant this week, and am waiting to hear back about financial aid. If these two things come together than I shouldn't have any problem getting to do all this. I guess I would be more of a Susie Homemaker than a stay-at-home mom, but we shall see. I only plan to have Bailey in Daycare 1/2 time so I can actually go to the campus for classes.
55. Update at least one blog each week. (2/147)
This one is self explanitory :)
51. Wear makeup one day each week for one year. (1/52)
Okay I know this one may seem a little silly and unimportant but it is not. Taking the time to even do just a little something for myself in the morning is a good thing. It only takes a few minutes, and it makes me feel a little better through my day.
23. Get an article published in Ice Magazine.
I've emailed one of the women from the magazine and now I'm just waiting to hear back!
10. Write, email, or call everyone from my friends list on Myspace and Facebook.
I am putting my list together as we speak. I've already talked to a few people but I still have a ways to go...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Time for Change

No this isn't another of a million Obama ads. The election is over and change in the White House is far from my mind right now. Now do not think I don't believe this to be a great and historic event, but I doubt President-Elect Obama is currently worrying about paying off credit cards, finishing his education, or making sure one of his daughters doesn't throw up on him again...well that could be a valid concern.

As of today we have officially finished day two of the SAO transition. One that is far more important to me. I was a full supporter of bringing the new State Attorney in, and I in no way think that she doesn't have the best interests at heart for both the citizens of the 4th judicial, and the workers within it, or that she is more than qualified for the job. However, when you see some of your best friends being let go it makes it difficult. I feel as if I should be the one without a job and not them, for several reasons that they and I both know but I don't feel compelled to share with you at this time...perhaps gossip in a few months.

Right now I just have to sit and suffer. I hear daily stories of people being plucked from their 'homes' and moved to entirely different positions. People asked to do twice the work that they have done in the past for the same pay they have been making for nearly three years. In the end it is all supposed to be for the good of the office. We should run more effectively, and use less of the budget since we've cut a percentage of our staff, not to mention the great promise of raises to come. However, everyone must wait until the end of the year to see if this does in fact happen.

Does this mean that change is a bad thing? No, it doesn't. What it means is that an entire group, a family, must collectively sit and wait to see what happens to its remaining members. Hoping for the best in all aspects, but mentally preparing for the worst, because for some the worst has already happened.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

101 Things In 1001 days

I have officially given in and about going to attempt to do this. I make no promises to be 100% successful, but I have hope that I can do it...or at least most of it. I figure you will all enjoy watching me, especially when I break down and go kayaking.

How it works:
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Start Date: January 5, 2009
End Date: October 2, 2011 (20 days before my 26th birthday!)

If a particular task is in bold then it is currently being worked on. If you see a number missing then look to the bottom of the list, all completed tasks will be there and in italics!

101. Visit a state I've never been to before. (Not Arizona or Washington)
100. Establish a weekly family night. (0/147)
99. Get down to a size 10.
98. Pay off all credit cards. (0/5)
97. Pay off both cars.
96. Buy an old car and fix it up myself.
95. Learn how to do all of my own automotive work.
94. Buy a nice digital camera (more than just your basic point and shoot)
93. Learn how to use #94 effectively.
92. Earn my AA.
91. Earn my BA.
90. Get a book published.
89. Run a 5k.
88. Go an entire month without cussing once! (0/31)

87. Go to church every Sunday for a full year. (0/52)
86. Volunteer in some capacity at church.
85. Volunteer with the Children's Christmas Party of Jax in 2009 and 2010. (0/2)
84. Take on a second case and maintain 2 cases at a time as a Guardian ad Litem.
83. Remodel my kitchen myself. (except electrical of course).
82. Go to Silver Springs with Steven.
81. Go on a cruise.
80. Get a sewing machine and learn how to use it!
79. Remodel our extra bedroom.
78. Paint the ceiling of our porch to look like the sky at night.
77. Learn sign language.
76. Go on a real honeymoon (more than one night!).
75. Get at least 101 recipes in my family cookbook. (19/101)
74. Start my own business.
73. Take a class at Michael's on cake decorating.
72. Visit Nick and Nelfi in Arizona.
71. Teach Bailey to sign.
70. Potty train Bailey.
69. Find and refinish 2 old rocking chairs and a table for the porch.
68. Buy an outdoor grill and use it at least once a month.
67. Teach Bailey to read.
66. Save $10,000 towards a down payment on a new house. ($200/$10,000)
64. Lose 60 lbs! (7.8/60)

63. Successfully complete the 365 Day challenge. Then turn it into a scrapbook. (0/365)
62. Mail a secret to PostSecret.
61. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
60. Have a full spa day for myself!
59. Play with the Lady Cudas in Montreal!!!
58. Read the Bible.
57. Attend service at a synagogue.
56. Be a stay-at-home mom (and student) for one full year.
55. Update at least one blog each week. (4/147)

54. Declutter my life - get rid of 101 things (ex: clothes, books, etc.) (0/101)
53. Replant our apple trees.
52. Visit my sister in Seattle.
51. Wear makeup one day each week for one year. (3/52)
50. Learn how to re-upholster our dining room chairs.
49. Fill an entire sketchbook.
48. Make a list of all the DVD's we own.
47. Watch every DVD we own.
46. Have Meatless Monday meals at least once a month. (0/33)
45. Get an annual family portrait. (0/3)
44. Read one book for pleasure each month. (2/33)
43. Host a family dinner night each month. (0/33)
42. Learn how to change my own tire.
41. Volunteer for the Zoo's Spooktacular.
40. Remodel our living room.
39. Make a fabric headboard for the master bedroom.
38. Hang drapes and paint the master bedroom.
37. Redo landscaping in the front yard.
36. Mail Christmas cards out early in 2009 and 2010. (0/2)
35. Remember to mail birthday and anniversary cards each month. (0/33)
34. Organize a family reunion.
33. Go to at least 2 parades a year. (0/6)
31. Go to a theatre production twice a year. (0/6)
30. Save $1,001 with coupons! ($50/$1,001)
29. Grow my hair out and then cut it to donate to Locks of Love.
28. Get GPA back up to 3.0!
27. Get accepted to and attend the University of North Florida.
26. Have or be pregnant with child number 2 (assuming we decided to go that route).
25. Get a passport.
24. FINALLY change my name with the SSA!
23. Get an article published in Ice Magazine.
22. Draw at least one portrait per month. (0/33)
21. Be positive for an entire day each week for a year regardless of what happens! (0/52)
20. Actually go to a restaurant that will cost more than $40 for both of our meals, and not feel guilty about it! (0/5)
19. Buy an acoustic guitar. (found the one I want and now I'm just saving up the $)
18. Learn to play at least 3 full songs on the guitar. (0/3)
17. Blog daily for one full month. (0/30)
16. Learn a new card game.
15. Go
14. Get certified in CPR and first aid.
13. Take a photography class.
12. Learn to drive a stick shift. (So Steven will shut up)
11. Win a scholarship from an essay writing contest.
10. Write, email, or call everyone from my friends list on Myspace and Facebook.
9. Watch a sunrise at the beach.
8. See an IMAX movie.
7. Volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House 101 hours. (0/101)
6. Volunteer at the Humane Society 101 hours. (0/101)
5. Go to a Jaguars vs. Colts games and sit in club seats.
4. Write my life story in one day.
3. Set aside $5 for each completed thing towards a guilt free shopping spree for myself. Donate $5 for each uncompleted thing towards one of the above charities.
2. Enter into a competitive shooting event.
1. Make a new 101 list!

Completed Tasks:

65. Learn to make Amish cinnamon bread.

32. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of my 1001 days.

-The Redneck Princess

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Who am I?

Bet you would like to know that wouldn't you? Sorry to say but I can't answer, and no it is not because I don't want to, it's because I can't. I am so beyond complicated that it would take the entire internet to fully express it, and who really wants to read that much anyways? I can promise you it would be boring by day 3...well maybe 5, I do have my moments of genius.

Here's a little taste of me, and what's to come to this here blog:

I really do love my husband. He’s a bad tempered union electrician, with more redneck than average Joe in him. But I love him. Except for the day’s he tries to convince me that we need to live on 10 acres out in the middle of nowhere, with huntin’ land and goats. And wouldn’t it be nice to make your own jam Baby Doll? Sigh. He’s off that mind set right now, and thankfully he’s quit talking about camping and dog trots too. Though I’m not willing to tempt fate. I’ve made sure to avoid any mention of camo, hound dogs, or Gander Mountain, lest I start him back up again. Lately he’s been set on fixing up old Monte Carlo’s and 80’s trucks. When I asked where he planned to put them while he fixed them, I swear he eyeballed our front yard. I bet the neighbors will love that, but at least it’ll hide the dead grass and dirt that currently occupy it. Beat up old cars...the lawn gnome of rednecks.

Happy reading!
The Redneck Princess