Monday, February 23, 2009

You will NEVER believe this one

I decided to be nice and finally broke down and allowed Steven to pick what we did on Sunday. He said "lets pack a picnic and go to Fort Caroline". My reply? "there's an actualy fort on Ft. Caroline?". Well there sure was. We went and ate a yummy lunch and then did one of the shorter nature hikes. It was a blast! I never thought I would actually enjoy walking in the middle of the woods but I did...I didn't let him stop for too long though. That makes it a little too close to camping. Ick!

Anyway, I had a blast, and Bailey did too! She just talked the entire time and looked around at everything. We're hoping to go again next weekend and hike around Spanish Pond.


  1. I think I went there before.. a long while back. I was shocked to find that there was a fort too..

  2. It really was odd, in a good way. Though it wasn't much of a fort, but hey if it worked, it worked.
