Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Update #1

Today is my first update on my 101 Things in 1001 days task. My plan is to update my blog once a month with a little message on each of the 101 things that I have worked on.

92. Earn my AA.
I am currently enrolled in two classes at FCCJ. I'm waiting to hear back about financial aid so that I can hopefully take one or two more, but it's a start. I already have 16 credit hours so I've completed 25% of the required courses already! My two clases are: Human Growth and Development, and Humanities: 15th to 20th Centuries.
77. Learn sign language.
Right now I've only learned a few basics, though I already knew a little so I just need to refresh the alphabet and numbers. I've debated about taking some ASL (American Sign Language) classes at FCCJ but I haven't decided yet. Since I took three years of Spanish in high school I don't have to take a foreign language in school.
71. Teach Bailey sign language.
We have two DVD's that help to teach sign language that we've had Bailey watch. I work with her on it, and try to sign to her when I do things. So far we have worked a lot with: more, eat, drink, mommy, and daddy.
64. Lose 60 lbs.
At this point there hasn't been any weight loss, though I haven't officially started yet either. I bet now you are asking yourself, "if she hasn't started then how can this be something she updates?" Well I have a plan of action that I have been putting together this week and it goes into effect tomorrow. First thing in the morning I will weight myself. ACK! I am dreading this beyond words. Then I will keep track of my caloric intake for the next two weeks, use SlimQuick as a dietary supplement, and confirm when I can use the running track near our house. Finally, my mother and I are officially going to start Weight Watchers together as of January 24th!
56. Be a stay-at-home mom (and student) for one full year.
I will be submitting my application for a child care grant this week, and am waiting to hear back about financial aid. If these two things come together than I shouldn't have any problem getting to do all this. I guess I would be more of a Susie Homemaker than a stay-at-home mom, but we shall see. I only plan to have Bailey in Daycare 1/2 time so I can actually go to the campus for classes.
55. Update at least one blog each week. (2/147)
This one is self explanitory :)
51. Wear makeup one day each week for one year. (1/52)
Okay I know this one may seem a little silly and unimportant but it is not. Taking the time to even do just a little something for myself in the morning is a good thing. It only takes a few minutes, and it makes me feel a little better through my day.
23. Get an article published in Ice Magazine.
I've emailed one of the women from the magazine and now I'm just waiting to hear back!
10. Write, email, or call everyone from my friends list on Myspace and Facebook.
I am putting my list together as we speak. I've already talked to a few people but I still have a ways to go...

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